Beach Vibes, Healing Lives
Waves of healing wisdom from others like you who have taken their own deep dives to shift their tides from burned-out to badass. Here we share stories of transformation and blend a foundation of western medicine with eastern philosophy for wellness, sustainable self care, and personal development.
Beach Vibes, Healing Lives
The Labor Day Weekend Show
In this special Labor Day episode of the Beach Vibes Healing Labs podcast, Dr. Stephanie Minter pays tribute to the late Jimmy Buffett, reflecting on his impact on her life and brand. With love for her community of fruitcakes, landsharks, and parrotheads, Dr. Minter discusses the significance of grounding and practicing gratitude. She shares personal anecdotes, including the challenges and emotional tribulations she faced while learning of Buffett's passing during a tumultuous period in her life. Dr. Minter encourages everyone to find their own sources of grounding and offers practical tips for incorporating gratitude into daily life, emphasizing how it can elevate one’s spirit. She concludes by inviting listener interaction and announcing upcoming coaching opportunities! Bubbles Up!
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Podcast Website: BeachVibesHealingLives
My Clinic Website: MyShorelineHealth.com
Hello and welcome back to Beach Vibes Healing Lives podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Stephanie Minter, and in this podcast, we like to blend concepts of Eastern philosophy and traditional practices with Western medical knowledge. But today I have a very special Labor Day weekend show planned just for you. So thank you for joining me on this here version of my Coconut Telegraph.
You know, I've had a few life coaches along the way, but by far, my favorite is Jimmy Buffett. So my fellow Parrot Heads, fruitcakes, land sharks, let's get our fins up and dive in!
Thanks for joining me today. I'm so happy to be having this conversation with you because yes, it's a bit of a tribute to Jimmy Buffett. But I think there's a lot of good lessons here to be learned. Last year we lost Jimmy Buffett around this time. And, you know, Labor Day weekend was his big show time.
I mean, there are song lyrics like, Headed to the Labor Day weekend show. And man, as a Floridian, I have to tell you, I just I didn't get to see him in concert, and that really, that really makes my heart ache. Um, but man, last year, man, last year, let's talk about what happened. You know, we had Hurricane Idalia come through...
You know, as Floridians, we're pretty used to hurricanes, but this sort of, you know, August was a month. For me, for sure, hurricane came. I had a long, you know, week long shift at the hospital. I came home, you know, my job as I knew it was ending because of some business and leadership changes, my relationship ended.
And while I was out, on the beach walking, trying to reconcile it all, I found out Jimmy Buffett had died. So, man, that was a devastating week for me. It helped me to hone my priorities and really get down to what was important to me. And I'm not, um, a lot of people know, I haven't really discussed it before, but Jimmy and his philosophies and, you know, this kind of culture that he created really made the foundation for my brand identity and for choosing Shoreline as a brand image, you know, that visualization of sitting on the beach, in the stillness and in the calm and getting to watch the waves come on shore.
I'm reminded of a, it's actually a Zac Brown band song that features Jimmy Buffett. The title of the song is Knee Deep. But the lyrics say, "Mind on a permanent vacation. The ocean is my only medication. Wishin my condition ain't ever gonna go away." So, you know, I always sort of resonated with that because the beach is where I go to reset and relax and recharge and ground, right?
Grounding is one of those concepts that's really coming more to the forefront. It's not a new concept, but it's, it's being more widely accepted in science and in our, um, you know, popular, Culture, so there's lots of grounding products out there, but man, nature, it's the best way to go and ground. And you guys know if you've listened to the podcast or if you know anything about Shoreline Integrative Health, you know that my, uh, concepts are, you know, sweat, tears, or the sea.
You know, you gotta do the work, you gotta do the mental unpacking, and you have to get out there and get grounded in nature again. So for me, it's water and for you, it might be trees and it might be the woods and it might be, uh, the mountains and it might be, you know, some deep remote part of the Alaskan wilderness.
I don't know. I don't know what works for you, but that's what I'm here to encourage you to do is to go find what it is that is for you. Let's talk a little bit about, you know, Jimmy Buffett and. Why he's such a legend and why he's such an important part of every Floridian's life, I mean, really just, just an icon.
You know, he wrote a lot of different songs and he's had a lot of different experiences in life. You know, a sailor, a songwriter, and a lover, and a father, uh, as a husband, and a family man, and just generally trying to live his best life, right? And Most of his songs and the lyrics really made us feel good about some terribly bad situations.
Um, I think it's important for us to look at that and reflect and say, yeah, Jimmy created this whole genre of music that was so unique. And it's, it's about, you know, the, the life is a party, right? Life is just a tire swing. Um, but he really taught us How to practice gratitude. And I think the practice of gratitude is one of the best ways to really elevate your spirit, elevate your vibration, really pull yourself out of some of those spirals that we can get into.
And even if your life is crap, you know, I'll clean up my language. I'll try not to curse too much today. But if. If you're down, if you're facing challenge, if things aren't going the way you want them to be, go look on Spotify, go look on, um, wherever you listen to music, Pandora, wherever, and go find the playlist, the top 100 Jimmy Buffett songs, and I promise you at some point you will have a smile, you will be dancing, and music is such a great way to elevate Us out of a particular mood or put us in a particular mood.
You know, music is medicine too. So just think about that. Just think about how he really took his life, his experiences and turn them into these just musical pieces of mastery. Margaritas and memories, if you will, I have, um. Obviously subscribe to quite a few different Jimmy Buffett groups on my Facebook page and there are some independent artists out there writing some tribute songs. And, um, this particular gentleman, he wrote a song called Margaritas and Memories, and man, it was such a great tribute and just a way to remember how important levity is in our life, you know, and that practice of gratitude. I'm going to come back to that.
How can you practice gratitude in your life? Like, what can you do? Here's a few suggestions and I've tried them all. Um, I'll leave my favorite for last, but, um, You know, there's the traditional journal. You could keep a notebook or a little journal next to your bed and write a few things down at night before you lay your head on the pillow.
Just a few things you're grateful for. Anything from, you know, clean comfy sheets to an actual bed and a roof over your head to, you know, having the opportunity to speak in front of people and share your gifts or, you know, the fact that you weren't in pain today, you know, like, I don't, I don't know your story, but I've, you know, I hear a lot of stories as a physician, I know the lives of so many humans and just being grateful and being in that space of gratitude really is the only way to get through this life.
No one gets out unscathed. No one leaves this earth without bumps and bruises and all of those challenges. So what I want to say is, you know, just think about how. Much you do have in your life and write that down, or you can, um, you know, pretty much just do a. a Facebook post, you know, if you want to share that, if you want to start to try and inspire others, if you want to share it with your family, maybe you have a new tradition at breakfast or at dinner or throughout the day, you text people in your family things that you're grateful for.
Just share that. Share that with your friends, your girlfriends, your group of guys, um, your co workers, however that seems comfortable for you. Maybe you can do that. My favorite, because I happen to love chocolate so very, very much, and I keep an emergency jar, emergency stash of chocolate, which is pretty much every day, but I like to exchange, um, I have a little piece of paper or a stack of little scraps of paper that I will write something that I'm grateful for, and I put that in the jar in exchange for chocolate.
So when I put a chocolate Or sorry, when I put, uh, something, a little note that I'm grateful for, I can get a chocolate out. So I'm, I'm continually rewarding myself in that way. Right. Um, and also practicing gratitude. It's an exchange of energy, really. Um, and so for me, that's my favorite. Maybe you get yourself a little chocolate jar or whatever treat that you like, you know, not in excess, but do it.
Exchange that. Treat yourself, but also give yourself that moment where you find something that you're so grateful for. Um, there's There's a song, I don't know why this just came to mind, um, I have cats, I don't have dogs, but Jimmy wrote the song and the lyrics go something like, you know, I want you to love me like my dog does.
Well, you know, in there, there's some pain, right? There's, there's some void, there's some, some need that he's expressing that, you know, he wants to be loved and, you know, he has a great family. Obviously he has love, but people can feel lonely or people can feel inadequate, or people can feel, um, like, you know, imposter syndrome creeps up on everybody.
But gosh, think about the love that dogs give, just so unconditional. So, Try to see yourself as your pets do. Try to see yourself as your dogs do. There's a lot of lessons to be learned. There's so much wisdom in Jimmy's music, and gosh, am I just so grateful for it. That's really all I wanted to come and say today.
I don't want to Keep you online too long. We've all got lots to do this holiday weekend. I'm going to join some friends out on a boat and try to, you know, get back to being my authentic self, which is where I love to be on the water and with friends. And so do that, do that for yourself. Take yourself out to the beach or sit by a body of water.
Maybe just drink a glass of water. Maybe it's just that simple, but I just wanted to tell you, you know, That I'm thinking of you guys always. And I wanted to share this moment with you, this Labor Day weekend show, uh, where I wanted to talk to you about my inspirations, you know, Jimmy's influence on my choice for branding and that sort of pivotal moment in my life last year where so much was changing and how we can look back on things that aren't very nice to experience with.
The I and a perspective gratitude. So find, find the silver lining in it, you know, shells sink, dreams float. Life is good on our boat. Um, you guys, I just want to thank you for sharing these few minutes with me. I'm sending out so much love and gratitude for you listening, for you being part of my, my sphere, my group, my people, my community.
I'm here for you always. There's a place above the written text and descriptions of this podcast where it says, text us a message or send me a message. Feel free, you know? Drop in your favorite Jimmy song or send me some ideas of stuff you want me to talk about. I have some ideas for podcasts coming up and some interviews.
It's going to be great, but I want to hear from you. So send me a line and let me know. In addition, I will be opening up my calendar soon for coaching. So if you guys are interested in having some one on one coaching sessions with me, I will be opening that up soon. I'll make an announcement and just keep your eye on my Facebook, keep your eye on my webpage and I'll keep you in the loop.
So, my friends, to quote Jimmy, "Breathe in, breathe out, move on". My friends, I just want you to know I appreciate you so much. Have a wonderful day. And make every day a beach day!