Beach Vibes, Healing Lives
Waves of healing wisdom from others like you who have taken their own deep dives to shift their tides from burned-out to badass. Here we share stories of transformation and blend a foundation of western medicine with eastern philosophy for wellness, sustainable self care, and personal development.
Beach Vibes, Healing Lives
Quotes, Quartz, and Quitting
In this first episode of Beach Vibes Healing Lives, Dr. Stephanie Minter takes us on a journey of holistic healing, introducing us to the transformative powers of physical movement, the psychosomatic connection and process of emotional release, and the importance of grounding in nature. Drawing inspiration from her favorite quote with timeless wisdom, "The cure for anything is Saltwater: Sweat, Tears, or the Sea" Dr. Minter unpacks the interconnected elements that contribute to comprehensive integrative wellness. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone seeking to live a more fulfilling, balanced, and beachy life.
Follow me on Instagram @BeachVibesDoc
Podcast Website: BeachVibesHealingLives
My Clinic Website: MyShorelineHealth.com
I am your host Dr. Stephanie Minter. The Beach Vibes, Healing Lives podcast is here for so many of you out there who are grinding away at your jobs, working on healthy choices, your personal growth, and trying to figure out how to do it all, how to have it all…but mostly just wanting to get away from it all and go on a nice extended vacation. I know because I’m there too. This show and my future guests are all about hanging out and helping you dig a little deeper, to give you some tools for lightening your load, so you can create a life you love living and maybe don’t NEED a vacation from. Though I still recommend a healthy dose of traveling for the sake of adventure. Ah, I see you already carry some bags with you. Some of those seem heavy. It looks like we have some unpacking to do. No worries, come with me…
Today’s episode is Quotes, Quartz, and Quitting - Let’s dive in!
Quotes 1:15
I wanted to start by sharing one of my many favorite quotes and how it helped form the vision for my office practice, the components of comprehensive healing (as I see it), and the momentum for this podcast.
This quote has been attributed to Isak Dinesen the pen name for Danish author Karen Blixen. She wrote, “The Cure for Anything is Saltwater - Sweat, Tears, or the Sea”. Google it, there’s some great images out there. Find one you like and save it.
Let me break this down:
Sweat 1:56
- physical component and for me it means movement, get the gears moving, get the joints lubed up, move and stretch the fascial connections. I could spend a whole episode on this and probably will. But this is the foundation of my clinical office practice. I am a D.O., I use my hands in the diagnosis and treatment process with my patients. Truly though, movement and mobility are a key component of longevity. Use it or lose it. My grandmother who is 103, swears all the dancing she’s done is what has kept her vibrant for so long and in some ways, she’s right! You will be here with my guests and I talking about all the different ways to get our meat suits moving and sweating. So much good information to come.
Tears 2:51
- yes, we have to acknowledge our emotions. We have to learn to sit and process those feelings. Rarely does anyone make it through this life without a couple scars (physical and emotional). The scientific community is now embracing the psychosomatic connections behind chronic illness. We are open to saying that what we aren’t able to process in our thoughts and conscious mind, the tissues of the body will take up. So, doing the work of peeling back the layers and diving deep will be some of the things needing to be done for what I would call comprehensive or integrative healing. We will be offering opportunities for you within a multitude of discussions and some guided meditations and other methods here. I just recorded a great guided meditation on finding your Flow…I am releasing it here with this first episode on launch day! Which brings me to the last component…
The Sea 3:49
- perhaps my favorite, because I grew up out on the beaches of Anna Maria Island and really I’m just a beach kid in a grown up body. Water for me is just so cleansing and healing. I just feel my absolute best when I am in it, on it, around me. Just add water. But this doesn’t mean you have to love the water as much as I do for proper healing and wellness, although my beach references and water metaphors might get old for you. What I really want people to understand about this, is the importance of getting outside and connecting with nature. The process of grounding. Disconnecting from all the technology and embracing your biologic mammalian humanness. Maybe you are a human who likes hiking the mountains, maybe you prefer to hang a hammock in the woods, I recently met beautiful humans thriving in the desert. Wherever you can be your most authentic self is where you need to go to reconnect and sustain your energy. Speaking of energy, let’s talk about quartz.
Quartz 4:52
Now, I may be carrying around a couple stones in my purse or a palm stone in my pocket but I am not saying crystals and essential oils are going to heal you. All my doctor friends, you can breathe a sigh of relief ]. What I want to say here is most sand is made up of some component of silicon dioxide (SiO2), also known as quartz sand. The sand in the beaches around me are a mixture of quartz, shell, and parrotfish poop. We’ll talk about that in one of my episodes on coral reefs. But hey, a shitty day on the beach is better than a good day in an office, am I right!? What I want you to take away from this is that quartz crystals are a natural conductor of energy…and energy is everything. We are all just a bunch of atoms with protons, neutrons, and electrons just vibrating away in this continuous exchange of energy within and around us. My physics fans will recall the 1st Law of Thermodynamics- the conservation of energy, that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It is transferred between the systems and surroundings in different phases to maintain balance. So naturally, as a scientist and a beach kid, I’m a huge fan or salt and sand in my therapeutic recommendations. And if you want to carry around a beautiful stone in your pocket, I won’t be the one to judge you.
Quitting 6:30
By quitting I mean, getting out of your own way. Walking away from what doesn’t serve you or bring you joy. For me it meant quitting the no win game of people-pleasing and the deeply rooted pattern of self abandonment I had perpetuated just to be able to fit in and feel like I belong. Even if that means being a little bit of a tree hugging crystal carrying hippy beach bum Doc, so I can be my best self, I promise you I will. So by quitting I mean, letting go of some things to make room for others that will (in time) truly bring you back around to your authentic self, find your flow, and bring you back into balance. You will hear from so many great humans on this podcast who will share their journeys, their best practices, and recommendations to help you on your journey as well.
Closing 7:30
Did you hear that word Flow again? Getting into flow (maybe best described as your jam, your vibe, your true self) is where the magic happens. This is when your luck changes, this is when your vibrational energy is just right, that you start attracting all the good things into your life. I find my best flow when I am in my place of gratitude and near water. I created a Flow Meditation just for you. It’s a great beginning for anyone ready to find THEIR flow. Keep your eyes on the horizon, I should be posting it soon.
Well, that brings us to the end. Thank you for staying with me as the sun sets on this episode. I hope you feel as exited as I do about this podcast, where it will take us, and the adventures we will have. With gratitude, may we be able to lift our faces to the sun and make every day a beach day!